
In control of your annual financial statement, focused on your future.

We are partners who know your company inside and out – and the right course of action for you in any situation. We are an established consulting firm with extensive expertise in auditing, tax and legal consulting (if necessary, provided with the help of one of our cooperation partners) and the capability to combine these as needed for your particular situation.

We specialize in providing all-around auditing and consulting services.

If you have an international matter to resolve, your contact will work closely with a member of our extended network whom we know personally. Rest assured that you will receive the best possible all-around service whether at home or abroad.

  •  Audits

Our work adds value.

Risk management requirements are growing, so the field of auditing now covers much more than simply reviewing and verifying the propriety of annual financial statements.

The results of our auditing activities add value so that you can take your company to the next level. This is ensured by the continuity of your auditing team in particular. Partners assigned to you permanently guarantee smooth information flows and enable us to achieve our goal of all-round consulting.

  • Audits of single-entity financial statements according to the German Commercial Code (Handelsgesetzbuch – HGB)
  • Audits of consolidated financial statements according to the German Commercial Code
  • Audits of accounting according to international standards
  • Special audits according to the German Stock Corporation Act (Aktiengesetz – AktG), the German Public Limited Companies Act (GmbH-Gesetz – GmbHG), and the German Reorganization Act (Umwandlungsgesetz -UmwG) such as
    • Impairment testing of non-cash contributions in the event of company formation and capital increases
    • Reviews of corporate contracts
    • Audits to determine the appropriateness of cash settlements in squeeze-outs
  • Assurance services for corporate transactions such as
    • Auditing of pro-forma financial information
    • Issuance of comfort letters for corporate actions
  • Auditing of closing balance sheets
  • Auditing of management regularity pursuant to section 53 of the German Budgetary Principles Act (Haushaltsgrundsätzegesetz – HGrG)
  • Auditing according to the German Broker and Property Developer Regulation (Makler- und Bauträgerverordnung)
  • Auditing according to the German Banking Act (Kreditwesengesetz – KWG) and the German Securities Trading Act (Wertpapierhandelsgesetz – WpHG)
  • Auditing of the use of funds (European Social Fund – ESF, grants from foundations)
  • Auditing pursuant to the provisions of the German Combined Heat and Power Act (Kraft-Wärme-Kopplungsgesetz – KWKG) and the German Act on Granting Priority to Renewable Energy Sources (Erneuerbare-Energien-Gesetz – EEG)
  • IT consulting and IT audits
  • Corporate finance
  • Company valuations
  • Impairment testing of equity investments and other assets
  • Tax design and optimization
  • Assistance with international matters
  • Preparation of consolidated financial statements
  • Preparation/auditing of financial statements according to IFRSs
  • Reviews of business documents / interim financial statements
  • Support for internal auditing
  • Compliance with statutory requirements for annual financial statements in accordance with the German Commercial Code (Handelsgesetzbuch – HGB)
  • Timely completion
  • Fulfillment of all requirements of the German Commercial Code
  • One-stop provision of services – interlinking of financial statement audits with other tax and commercial law consulting services
  • Consistent audit teams
  • In-depth knowledge of your company
  • Added value from notification of areas for improvement (management letter)
  • Timely and correct provision of information to company governing bodies
  • Identification of existing risks in the company
  • Auditors with substantial industry experience
  • Informative reporting
  •  Company Valuations

In a continually changing business landscape, companies are constantly bought and sold, merged, or go public, not to mention the changes that occur in ownership and group structures. Companies must be restructured and their value determined for purposes including corporate succession. Apart from these situations, statutory requirements or changes in ownership structure could make it necessary to calculate the value of a company.

Valuations must be carried out not only when business decisions are made, but can also be necessitated by tax or corporate law, or required for accounting purposes. We offer valuation services tailored to your individual needs. One of our core competencies for many years has been conducting company valuations. Whether you need help with corporate restructuring, putting a business initiative into action, or need a fairness opinion and require an auditor, consultant, neutral expert, or arbitration expert, our teams of valuation specialists with extensive experience and industry know-how can complete any type of company valuation. We can develop highly creative and persuasive solutions for any of these situations.

  • Valuation of companies according to the prevailing technical and statutory professional criteria
  • Preparation of appraisals according to professional standards [e.g., standard no. 1 issued by the Institute of Public Auditors in Germany (IDW S1)]
  • Calculation according to the most current statutory guidelines
  • Valuations for impairment testing and restructuring
  • Impairment testing of equity investments and assets
  • Due diligence to determine tax and valuation risks of company purchases
  • Restructuring
  • Preparation / auditing of international financial statements
  • Assistance with buying/selling companies
  • Evaluation of asset risks
  • Advice on succession
  • Valuation services tailored to your individual needs
  • Full-service support for corporate restructuring
  • Advising as auditor, consultant, or neutral expert
  • Creative and robust solutions for any situation
  •  Special Audits

We can conduct many different special audits to prevent you from experiencing unpleasant surprises, for example when acquiring a company, so that you can rest assured that your assets are securely and reliably invested.

  • Financial statement auditing for companies of all legal forms
  • Regularity audits, e.g., of cash management
  • Embezzlement audits
  • Due diligence
  • Reviews of internal benchmarking
  • Auditing for planned capital increases
  • Auditing according to the German Broker and Property Developer Regulation (Makler- und Bauträgerverordnung – MaBV)
  • Impairment testing
  • Help in calculating settlements
  • Valuation of equity investments
  • Avoidance of accounting fraud
  • Rule out unpleasant surprises
  • Avoidance of accounting scandals
  • Minimization of investment risk
  • Identification of alternative courses of action
  • Best possible protection against liability